Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/090], reporting Lord Cooper's and an unnamed other's opinions of the detrimental effect that the passage of the 'ugly bill' would have on Scottish lords' property, the title of King of Scotland and the Union, and the position of the Lower House with respect to the Lords, commenting that she hopes to see Mrs Clayton's necklace tomorrow, and asking her to speak to Sir Joseph [Jekyll, presumably]; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/052].

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[[foreign: French]] Je vous avez promis ma chere Clayton, de vous donner, de mes nouveile, aujouduis, et que vous pouver savoir au font les santimént de mi Lord Cooper - il ne compráns pas, que avec tout les avantage quon avoit, con ne puise passer, ce mordite bille, san le consentement, des seigneurs, d'escotte, par cqui, on veut si entirement touchér la belle propreté, quil croit, que cela, souleverá, une rebellion, en scotland, par laquele le Roy et le parliment, ce rompré le Bassis, sur la quele la ttite, de Roy d'escotte, et l'union et fondé, pour moy qui a tant d'oblication, a la chambre Basse, pour tout, que la prince enjouit, de son possesstio, cequi, méntreser qui ne part pas leaur proprete en cesi, par leque, cette la lien, pour les rejetter, [[/foreign]] 1 March I promis'd my dear freind to let you hear from me to day, that you may know to the bottom the sentiments of my lord Cooper. He does not conceive, that with all the advantages they have, the ugly bill can pass, without the consent of the Scotch Lords, by which they would soe entirely affect their best property, that he believes it would raise a rebellion in Scotland, by which too the King & Parliament will destroy the basis upon which the title of King of Scotland & the Union is founded, for my self who am obligd to the lower house for all the Prince enjoys of his possessions, that interests me, that they should not part with

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