Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/071], sending thanks for a letter received and looking forward to seeing her tomorrow, reporting her feeling that 'affairs goe [sic] better' as the Tories re-unite although all still depends 'upon the turn of the scale', and commenting that 'the Prince & I work like dogs'; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/051].

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[[foreign: French]] Je vein de resevoir machere Klethon votre lettre, et vous verais avec pleisir demain a 7 heur, il me semble que les afair vont mieu les tories comance a seremestre, mais [[unclear]] le [[unclear]] et moy, travallein come des chien et peutetre pas inutilement, je vous andirais plus demain adieu machere amie [[/foreign]] Caroline