Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/086], thanking her for a book and reporting that the Prince had also received one ('I guess the author'), expressing the hope that the Bill 'will goe [sic] according to our wish' or will be dropped, reporting that Mrs Clayton's eldest brother [Lord Sunderland] had visited the King yesterday and returned 'under an uncertainty what to doe [sic]', praising Mrs Clayton as 'the best & most honest woman in every respect' and remarking on her own fondness for 'people of wit & merit'; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/050].

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[[foreign: French]] persone avec qui on ne se peut prouller sans que la faut soit du certe qui n'est pas vous, vous me connesse et vous savez que j'aime la merite, et l'esprit joinje a la les obligation que je vous aye, et vous verais aissement que je vous aimerais toujour [[/foreign]] Caroline