Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/086], thanking her for a book and reporting that the Prince had also received one ('I guess the author'), expressing the hope that the Bill 'will goe [sic] according to our wish' or will be dropped, reporting that Mrs Clayton's eldest brother [Lord Sunderland] had visited the King yesterday and returned 'under an uncertainty what to doe [sic]', praising Mrs Clayton as 'the best & most honest woman in every respect' and remarking on her own fondness for 'people of wit & merit'; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/050].

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[[foreign: French]] j'ay recu come a l'ordinaire ma chere Klethon avec beaucoup de plaisir votre lettre, je vous suis tres obligé du petit liver amese de mille [[unclear]] de la plus grande consequence, on l'avoit envoye hier au [[unclear]] je divine [[unclear]] je me flate que la bille yra selon nos souhait, ou se [[unclear]] je vous puis dire que votre premier frere, El. a etoit hier ché le Roy, et en est devenu dans l'incertitude ce qu'il ferá luy, meme tout vos amie font merveille je m'an suit pas surprise puit - quille aproche la meillieur, et la plus honeste feme de toute manier vous ette [[unclear]] [[/foreign]]