Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/108], reporting that the Prince [of Wales, presumably] has heard that if the Bill passes the lower house 'they will attack him, & perhaps soe [sic] far as to exclude him the crown', remarking on the composition of the House of Lords and on Thomas Broderick's opinion that there are some in the lower house who are 'not Walpolists', asking Mrs Clayton to send Dr Clarke, and reporting that the 'head dress' Mrs Clayton has asked for will be sent to her via Geminghen and the nurse; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/049].

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[[foreign: French]] Je vous incomde ancore ma cher amie mais ce sera la dernier fois, puis-que a la ceque je vous voir, c'est pour vous avertir, mais sur votre parole d'honeur, que cela restte andre vous, et Mr Klethon, et l'honest home an ques [[unclear]] que le P a une sure intelligeance, que sy le bille passé, dans la chamber passé l'on lataquera, et meme puis que a lecxclusin de la courone, ce sy ne doit ettre nome qu'a vous 3, il despands la vie des persone de cesy la gemingem anvojer poury, la nourisse come sy elle vous anvojer, la coiffure, que vous luy avez demandé, [[/foreign]]