Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/100], reporting 'we have all the country gentlemen of the tories [sic] with us', naming the counties, etc., in support and noting 'it begins to grow better every moment', asking Mrs Clayton to 'see what can be done with Carteret' and to ask Bishop Neville 'what He expects of the amber club [sic]', and to tell her friend 'this is the time when He may shew the love that he has for his country'; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/048].

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To Mrs. Klethon [[foreign: French]] Ce 22 d'avril Milady empes mapromis quelee vous ferait denir c'estte lettre, par, laquelle je vous donne machere Klethon la bonne nouvelle que [[deletion]] demain [[/deletion]] la rein celleassion sera faiche de main et que jorais bien tort lu sadiffaetion de vait memes ma cher Kleton [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] et sans contrainte amoy [[/foreign]] Caroline man parlle pas apersonne