Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/106], assuring her that she would not use any other messenger than Dr Clark to report to Mrs Clayton the Prince's assurance that 'not only that of which you spoke is & shall be at your service', but that the Prince [presumably of Wales] will do all he can for Mr Clayton, whose merit is such that he needs no one's protection, remarking that 'they flatter us all goes well', and assuring Mrs Clayton that the Princess trusts 'more to you than any one'; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/036].

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[[foreign: French]] Jai estte bien aisse ma chere Clayton, davoir une enterveue, pour vous demander, une conseille, si lon se peut fier a Bensoun aise, pour Lamplojer dan son voiage d'attanovre, pour nous avertir de cequi cepasse, puisque de voir tres certain, je seait que le ministré, veulle excluder, le prince, et faire venire avec le Roy, York qui et come vous savez tories, et et pour casser devant le parliman, et choisir, de mettre le Regensy, entre nos main, des dernier resort, si, lon peut savoir a tems quelle mesures le prince ou York, faut prener la dejeue, on pouvoit travallies pour les Election, dan laquelle vous avez part, et demander si mi Lord Corrper, peut ettre ce luy, quon i pourais emplojer, vous me menderais vos pences, sur cela, et apres le depart du Roy, jespere de vous voir, adieu ma chere Clayton, me Lady corper en fait hier vos compliman, et nous avon parler lon tems de la meilleur amis que j'ay, et que jaimerais ausi lon tems que ce coeur et sensible et mouvable [[/foreign]] Caroline I should be glad my dear Clayton - to have an interview with you to ask your advice whether we may trust Benson enough to employ him on the journey to Hanover, to give an account of what passes, when any thing is resolv'd. I know the Ministry would [[addition]] a. [[/addition]] exclude the Prince & make him goe with the King. [[addition]] b. [[/addition]] York who is, you know, a Tory, is for bringing the matter before the Parliament, & putting the regency into our hands, as the best resort. if one could know in time what measures the Prince or York should take, same care might be had of the elections, in which you must bear a part. & let me know if my lord Cooper may be the person employd. you will send me your thoughts on this, & after the King's departure I hope to see you. adieu my dear Clayton. my Lady Cooper made me your compliments yesterday. we talk'd long of the best freind I have, whom I shall love as long as my heart has any sense or motion Caroline The Prince will doe nothing in it without your advice a. the Regency b. Archbishop of York.

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