Letter [in English and French] from Queen Caroline to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/126], asking [?] 'under what shape is' the £8,000 not yet disposed of by Parliament, and commenting 'you will know the stile [sic]' [a postscript notes that this refers to Sir Robert Walpole's style]; with transcription in English and French, and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/035].

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[[foreign: French]] undere what shape the 8000th, are, which have not yet being dispoosed of by the parleament, [[foreign: French]] vons connesterai le stille, cete touque que le vous puis dire ma chere clayton [[/foreign]] Caroline the originall was writ halfe in inglish, this is exsactly spelt & copied after it. Under what shape the 8000th is which has not yet been dispos'd of by Parliament you will know the * stile it is all I can say to you my dear Clayton *Caroline *meaning Sr. R. Walpoles Stile *since She was Queen

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