Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/104] noting that 'there is assuredly some design to attack', asking her to see if 'Sr Joseph' knows anything about it and to tell him 'the secret', and commenting that 'it is not to be one to Mr Clayton, he is too good a freind [sic] as well as you to conceal any thing [sic] from'; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/032].

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[[foreign: French]] Pour Mad: Klethon, ma chere Klethon on a quelque dessein l'atagnes assurement, mais sur tout chose n'an parle pas, mais voite ly Sr. Jophé nan saet rien vous me ferait plaisir de lan averit le Sequereel n'est pas pour Mr. Klethon il et trop bon amie come vous ausy pour luy cacher augne chose, vous pourer Conter sur ma reconnessance qui ne finira qu'avec ma vie [[/foreign]] Caroline