"Book of Latin Words and Phrases"

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Latin [[underline]] Words and Phrases [[/underline]] Prorsus, [[deletion]] i [[/deletion]]_ [[deletion]] Al [[/deletion]] ltogether Propero, avi, are_ To hast do quickly Tumidus, a um_ Proud, puffed Fur, ris_ A Thief Prors^ [[addition]] t [[/addition]] erno, avi, are_ To overthrow Lar, [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] is_ A Household God Seges, etis_ Til'd Land, standing Corn Unda, ae_ Water, Wave Ratis, is_ A Ship, Lighter [[note]] 20 [[/note]] Merx, is_ Any kind of Merchandise Tugurium, i_ A Hut, Cottage, small house [[deletion]] Malum punicum_ A pomegranate [[/deletion]] Malum punicum_ A pomegranate Ferax, acis_ Fru^ [[addition]] it [[/addition]] full