Extracts from letters from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to Adm. Sir George B. Rodney [enclosure of 0617], requesting that the British fleet's position might be changed if St Eustatius is unlikely to be attacked, enclosing a letter [not on file] reporting on the approach of an enemy squadron and a likely merchant convoy and suggesting consequent action, on the capability of enemy ships to move in and out of certain ports, on sickness (from scurvy) in British ships and on ship movements in the area generally.

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[[note]] Extract of a Letter Dated 13th. April 1781 [[/note]] I am sorry to acquaint you, that the two Frigates are gone from Fort Royal Bay, They were seen Yesterday Evening, which proves to me, that Ships may get out unnoticed by keeping close under the land; In spite of all I am able to do: For the Squadron was so close in form Sun Sett to Sun Rising that several Shot were fired at, and went over some of the Ships in the course of the Night from the Shore: and at Day light I saw the Princessa and Invincible off the Diamond, and the Terrible and Belliqueux off St. Piers. [[note]] Extract of a Letter Dated 23rd. April 1781 [[/note]] I am very sorry to acquaint you, that Ships can sail from Fort Royal and St. Piers, and get into the latter Port, in spite of all I can do to prevent it, as they creep close along the Shore which is lined with Batteries. The Monarch, Terrible and Intrepid have been several times Checqued in attempting to cut Vessels off from St. Piers; and the Intrepid the other day, had one man killed and eight wounded, four of which are since dead, and I am much afraid some of the [[catchword]] Ships [[/catchword]]