Accounts relating to the naval actions of 9 and 12 April 1782 by British seamen who were prisoners on board vessels in the French Fleet.

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Bay where she remained 'till the Morning of the 9th and sailed immediately to Leeward on the 11th she joined their Fleet and on the 12 was the third ship in the van, She was not much engaged had 30 men killed and 50 wounded--He says she was in the Action off St Kitts when She had 30 men kill'd at leaving Martinique they left the St. Esprit in the [[unclear]] without a single gun on board--The Sovereign is Copper'd half way up John Dowling late belonging to His Majesty's Sloop Surprize--Says that he was 11 months Prisoner on board Burgoigne of 74 Guns Captain Sherry, that she had 15 men killed on the 9th. 76 kill'd and 90 wounded on the 12th he heard the Captain of her Wanted to strike the Colovers but some of the other Officers perswaded him not. that the Burgoigne had part of her Bowsprit Shot away and at ceasing firing had only three Rounds of Shot left Hugh Mitchell late belonging to His Majesty's Sloop Surprize Says he was Prisoner on board the Hercules which sail'd from Curacoa in Company with the Pluton, Eveille, Marseillois, and a Dutch Snow called the Curacoa, [[catchword]] in [[/catchword]]