Accounts relating to the naval actions of 9 and 12 April 1782 by British seamen who were prisoners on board vessels in the French Fleet.

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Mr John Hay late Gunner of His Majesty's Sloop Antigua--Says He was taken prisoner on the 11th May 1781 when the French laid Siege to St Lucia was carried to Martinique and Confined along with the ships Company in Goal at St. Pierres, from thence he was embarked with 180 English Prisoners onboard the Pluton part of which number were sick soldiers taken out of the Hospital at St Lucia from the Pluton he was sent with 12 others onboard the Diadem of the 74 Guns Captain Montclair and upon refusing to do the duty of the Ship were fed upon Bread and Water, an English Prisoner John Warhon Mate of the Bee Brig belonging to Bristol at that time in a bad state of Health was seized upon the Capitan and beat in the most cruel manner with sticks on the Body and Soles of the feet 'till he was quite insensible, after which he was along with the Masters Mate of the Santa Monica put into Irons without any reason but that of refusing to Work, all which was done by order of the second Captain, but since the Action of the 12th of April they received better treatment-- About Noon of the 12th ye Diadem ceased firing but being closely confined below in both Actions does not know for certain what place in the Line she was, but supposes her to have been [[catchword]] the [[/catchword]]