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4. I know no help, O Lord, but the height of thy Mercy, who hast sent thine only Son into the World to Save Sinners. This God of my Life, & Life of my Soul, the King of all Comfort, is my only Refuge. For his sake therefore, to whom thou hast given all Power, & will Deny no Petition, hear my Prayers Turn thy Face from my Sins. (O Lord) and thine Eyes to thy handywork. Create a Clean heart and renew a right Spirit within me - Order my Steps in thy Word, that no wickedness have Dominion over me; make me Obedient to thy Will. & Delight in thy Law. Grant me Grace to live Godly and to govern justly: that so living to please thee, and resigning to serve thee, I may ever Glorifie thee the Father of all Goodness and Mercy: To whom

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