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ever since He taught Yr Sisters, which is very extraordinary after never having refused to receive the Salary even with the Smallest reluctance when paid to Him, & which the Kg thinks a [[underline]] a very great Vilany [[/underline]] . Many other things which I have not related to the Kg. which are as Singular You will find in the Bills which I must explain on Wednesday, when I come to Town & Intend seing Lrd Ailesbury to give Him the Papers for Mr Richard, [[underline]] excepting [[/underline]] the [[underline]] disbursement [[/underline]] but as both Yourself & Yr Sisters know more of the Conduct of the man [[addition]] we are to deal with [[/addition]] than I do myself, would You have any objection to add still another Obligation to those we have already received by meeting Lrd Ailesbury either at His House or the Queens House with me, that He may be informed of every thing. I shall therefore Inclose my Notes to Lrd Ailesbury which you will be kind enough to send (if not averse to my proposal), & I may have an answer by to Morrow. I beg pardon for the Troublr I give you upon this occasion, but I flatter myself it will at last shew that I put all possible Trust in You. I own I fear one Person (who shall be nameless) if we meet at the Queens House & at Seymour place we may be less interrpted, but that must depend upon Lrd Ailesbury's decision. Should You think it Necessary to bring Mr Drumon I can have no objection. In addition it strikes me that Bolton Himself must be Sensible how Improper the Letter is as He would not send it to You, who had kindly offered to bring it if You knew its Contents. before I finish may I beg if not Inconvenient to have a Breakfast at Yr House after our business is set a going. & now I release You from this Epistle & beg You to believe me yr Ever affectionate Mother & Friend Charlotte Windsor the 19th March 1810.

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