Blank petition form for entry 'for a Boy' into the Royal Military Asylum.

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A MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE, Signed by the Officiating Minister of the Parish, must be annexed to this IN ORIGINAL. Where it cannot be had, the Reason is to be assigned; and, in that Case, the Commanding Officer is to certify the Place and Date of Marriage, according to the best Information he can obtain. A CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH AND BAPTISM, Signed by the Officiating Minister, must be annexed to this IN ORIGINAL. Where it cannot be had, the Reason is to be assigned; and, in that Case, the Commanding Officer is to certify the Place and Date of the Birth of the Child, according to the best Information that he can obtain. N.B. The original Certificates will be returned when required. No Copy can be admitted as valid.- Nor will the Commanding Officer's Certificate be deemed satisfactory, in an Case, where a sufficient Reason for the Non-production of the Minister's Certificate is not signed. CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH. * I HAVE examined and find that he has no Defect in Sight, Body, or Limbs; is not afflicted with Fits, or with any infectious Disease whatever; and has no mental Infirmity. * This is to be signed by the Regimental Surgeon; or, if the Child should be absent from the Regiment to which its Father belonged, by a sufficient Medical Practitioner. SURGEON.