Extracts from a 'Journal of Travels' in the American interior 1766-1767 by Capt. Jonathan Carver.

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many rocks, with few Islands, and their good land, tho' somewhat Timbered, the land in general is very good near the river, but at a distance, very full of Mountain where tis believed are many Lead mines. About five miles above the Junction, I saw the ruins of a large Town, in a very pleasant Situation, on enquiring of the Natives into the reason of this desolation, was informed that about thirty Years before, that, the great Spirit appeared on the top of a Pyramid of rocks at a small distance from the West of the Town, and warned them to quit the Town, immediately, for the land there was his, or belonged to him, and for a demonstration of his words, told them grass should grow on the top of this rocks, where he then was, which they say has grown there ever since, but was none ever seen there before, they took me to see the grass, but the growth appeared to me no ways supernatural, this I took to be a trick of the Spaniards or French, to answer some design of their own, but in what manner they affected this vision, I know not, The same People being part of the Ottigaumie Nation, went and built a Town about five miles above the mouth of the Ouisconsin, on the banks of the Mississippi, at a place called by the French Lapraira Lachine, which signifies the Dog plains; This is a pretty large Town, contains about three hundred families, the houses are well built after the Indian manner, and pleasantly situated on very rich land, where they raise every necessary of life in abundance, here I saw a great many horses of a good kind. This place is the great thoroughfare, for all Nations thereabouts, and on the remoter heads of the Mississippi, who in the latter end of May assemble [[catchword]] here [[/catchword]]