Various recipes, including for food and medicines.

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[[underline]] Soap for the Hands [[/underline]] 8 Ounces of Oil of Sweet Almonds 6 Ounces of Best Florence Oil 2 Pounds of best soft Soap 4 Ounces of Spermaceti 2 Ounces of Virgin Wax Put all these ingredients into a new Pipkin -- set over a slow Fire, till they are all melted; ready to Boil - then take it off the Fire, & keep it stiring, till almost Cold; then put in Camphorated Spirits; stiring it all together, as quick as possible till well mixd - then put it by for use. The Camphorated Spirit is thus made - - Take 2 Ounces of Camphire, & desolve it in a quarter of a pint of Spts of Wine --

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