Various recipes, including for food and medicines.

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[[underline]] Giblet Soup. [[/underline]] To two pound of [[unclear]] Beef put one pound of scrag of Mutton & one pound of scrag of Veal. Put to this meat three quarts of Water and let it stew very gently till it is strong Broth -- let it stand till cold & then take of the Heat. Take one set of Giblets put them unto the Broth, & let them stew till very Tender. Take out the Giblets and strain the soup thro' a cloth. Put a piece of Butter rolled in flour into a stew pan & make it of a light brown, have ready chopped some parsley penny royal & a little sweet marjoram put in the soup and Giblets & a glass of Madeira Wine some salt, Cayenne pepper hard Eggs, and force meat Balls. let it all

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