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from [[underline]] Q. Charlotte. [[/underline]] on [[underline]] Changes in [[/underline]] Royal Nursing [[underline]] 1778 [[/underline]] My dear Lady Charlotte Finch. Nothing can give me more and greater pleasure then the manner in which You have finished every thing with Mrs. Colesworth Ye honour is Yours therefore You are worthy the praise. this business being done there still remains great deal undone this opportunity i shall take to make You acquainted with the very contents of my Hart. consider the motif of it and You will say to yourself, the Queen is right in explaining herself as it is the only way of going on well. First then dear Lady Charlotte let me explain some part of our Tuesdays conversation. You said that in coming into the Family you felt some distress in not having [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] apointed the subgoverness. this i