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to me what the Additional Attendance is that you require I shall either endeavour faithfully to discharge it, or humbly & facily own my Incapacity for it, which appears to me the only way of acting consistant with the Duty of a Faithful Servant, which I hope I have ever approved my self to your Majesty. The Confidence your Majesty shews me in saying you acquaint me with the very contents of your heart demands an Equal Sincerity on my Part, which has not only led me to lay before your Majesty what I have said, but also in Justice to my self to add that my Affection & wishes for the Real Good of the Children & for your Majys Satisfaction on that head is so Sincere that I could sooner submit to resign my Office into the hands of any Person younger & more fitted for it, than to be the Smallest Obstacle to the full & compleat Execution of your Majesty's Wishes about it. [[deletion]] Whither this time [[/deletion]] ^ [[addition]] Whither these Reflexions may make [[/addition]] [[deletion]] would [[/deletion]] [[addition]] it [[/addition]] appear [[deletion]] an [[/deletion]] Eligible [[deletion]] One [[/deletion]] to your Majesty [[deletion]] to make [[/deletion]] ^ [[deletion]] [[addition]] wish [[/addition]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] at this time [[deletion]] to wish [[/deletion]] [[/addition]] [[addition]] ^ to wish [[/addition]] such a Change, now the Nursery is to be new Settled, I must implicitly submit to your Judgement, & shall be best satisfied with that Determination that conduces most to your Majestys Satisfaction, wch. it has [[deletion]] been [[/deletion]] for so many Years [[addition]] been [[/addition]] my unwearied Endeavour to promote in the Nursery. having the honr. to be with the most Jealous Attachment Madm. yr most Dutyful Subject & devoted Sevt. C F

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