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[[underline]] K. [[/underline]] April 17th. 1775 P. Adolphus My dear Lady Charlotte Finch. if every body is well behaved, at the Queens House of the Female party I should be glad to see my Daughters on Wednesday morning between 10 and 11 a Clock. my intention is to let them be back for Dinner time which you may order to be ready for them at any time you please. my Compliments to Mrs Fielding Miss Harriet Finch, and little Sophia. Miss Matilda i hope is not the worse for her first grievance. my country play fellows are all well very wild, and have eycellent appetite. Adolphus seems to relish the taste of Potatoes, and Apple Pouding eytreamly well. nor did it disagree with him, of which i was very fearfull. Adieu my dear Lady Charlotte Kew affords no news. Charlotte