Letter from John Belson to Messrs. Coutts describing his financial circumstances and difficulties, and explaining that he cannot currently repay his loan [to General de Budé].

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mine is in [[underline]] advance, above [[/underline]] 1/4 a year and as I must have a part, of it to go on with,, it will [[underline]] reverse, [[/underline]] be far till my situation in life is better'd. so the idea of making it now, is [[underline]] impossible, cannot be done,, with only [[/underline]] by [[unclear]] idea's of it, so this matter is answer'd,, I once more say, to offerd, The Genl,, my chief distress, to be imprison'd, by him, will not lessen my [[underline]] opinion [[/underline]] of [[underline]] him, [[/underline]] or my [[underline]] sense of his past goodness, to us,, [[/underline]] Besides I am as it were, [[underline]] in confinement already [[/underline]] for I am [[underline]] hold to Bail, [[/underline]] in [[underline]] divers matters [[/underline]] and of course must go to the Fleet.. The [[underline]] moment call'd on, by their danger. [[/underline]] I believe [[underline]] next I am. it must be [[/underline]] my Bail of couse, am not, to pay my debts, it was sure,, That our Loss, might not be [[underline]] divided, or a Lady's [[/underline]] feelings hurt, till [[underline]] lost extremely-- [[/underline]] the master's would be very happy to [[underline]] fix my Bail, [[/underline]] Short is my concern, to prevent, in time,, I am tollerably active in mind, tho'' confin'd to The House, for week's from illness,, [[underline]] where friends [[/underline]] are consern'd who have saved me, and mine If,, the Genl,, who says in all former letters. how much I am to be pitied in life