Letter from John Belson to General Jacob de Budé, reporting that the legacy issue is largely settled and that he hopes to have a position soon, but asking for a further loan in the meantime as he is still in financial difficulties.

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27. Hawley 22d,, of July 1808 Sir Your [[unclear]] favor, was sent me here, this day's past, where, I arrived, Tuesday, in consequence of a letter received, from Mrs Belson,, here, I shall remain, till something turns up for me having settled my legacy business so, that [[underline]] legal forms [[/underline]] alone, prevent the Executor's paging me: which they will do, in all October, they must have honour willing, they have be, what is termed the [[underline]] sanction of the Court, [[/underline]] as there are [[underline]] Children concern'd [[/underline]] in it, and