Letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to General Jacob de Budé sending congratulations on the surrender of the islands of St Eustatius, St Martin and Saba, enclosing an agreement drawn up between Army and Navy commanders concerning the islands (0614), and giving an account of his and the Navy's successful activities in the area, including the capture of rich Dutch convoys.

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12 PS. The Dutch Man of War, mad a lame Defence against the Monarch for about 15 minutes — The Dutch Admiral fell, having two musquet Balls through his body, Capt Reynolds remonstrated with him some time against a wanton defence, without a possibility of escaping — If the Business of this Island is settled out of hand & five sail of the Line, with as many frigates & smaller vessels, with only a 1000 Troops, were to run down to Curacoa — The Amsterdamers would be totally ruined, it is a place of vast consequence & riches, and would I am confident be reduced without difficulty at this moment, by His Majesty’s Arms, with the above force, and surely it is an object, which I hope & trust the Commanders in Chief will attend to — An opportunity of this sort once lost, is perhaps never to be recovered

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