Letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to General Jacob de Budé reporting on British ships' movements in the Caribbean in connection with possibly false news of a French fleet at Martinique.

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for a fleet, which I confess alarmed me, concluding St. Lucia was attacked, and that the Enemy had gott there by Enchantment I immediately formed the Squadron and bore down. At 2 the Thetis came in sight made the private signal, and [[underline]] no other [[/underline]] after it was answered; but continued working to windward, which perfectly satisfied me no Enemys Fleet was arrived, and that the sails seen by the Cyclops, were the ships from England, (brought out by the Santa Monica) coming out of St. Lucia, bound to Jamaica under convoy of the Licorne; I then hauled down the signal for the Line, and lay too for the Thetis, at 10 she joined me, when I [[catchword]] received [[/catchword]]