Letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to General Jacob de Budé sending thanks for letters received, promising to assist Mr Stillingfleet [?] in his naval career, expressing appreciation for the King's decision to award the booty taken at St Eustatius to the British Fleet and Navy, describing recent actions against the enemy and the subsequent movements and state of various British ships, reporting the landing of enemy troops on St Lucia and their subsequent hasty departure, and his fear that enemy forces were heading to the East Indies and America.

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will receive my deer General, a particular detail of my conduct for the two days, I was in sight of the Enemy, which I flattered myself would have accompanied Sir George Rodney's dispatches, but he would not suffer a simple Letter to be sent by any one, rather unkind, if not to say illeberal; The only circumstances I have reason to be displeased with him for since I had the honor of serving under his Command, for in all other respects he has shewn me great civility and attention, and we are upon best terms imaginable which has led me to suggest many things to him, which I should not otherwise have taken the liberty to have done. I am much concerned to find that the Enemy [[deletion]] has [[/deletion]] landed a large body of Troops upon the Island of St. Lucia, the 8th. or 9th. covered by 24 or 25 sail of the Line, Ten of which have been driven from Gros Islet Bay, by the Batteries [[catchword]] on [[/catchword]]