Copy of a letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to Sir George B. Rodney [enclosure, presumably of 0619] providing a very detailed account of an encounter with and action against an enemy fleet and convoy, including reports of damage suffered by various British ships and some British casualties.

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three of their Guns were dismounted; at 18 Minutes past 6 made the Russels Signal to come within hail, which was Answered: The Enemys Fleet consisting of 24 Sail of the Line at this time about 4 Miles to Windward; At half past 7 Captain Sutherland of the Russel came on board, whom I ordered, If He could possibly by exertion keep the Ship above Water, to proceed to St. Eustatius' or any other Port he could make, and acquaint Sir George Rodney of all that had passed at 45 Minutes past 9 the Lizard came within hail to inform me by the desire of Captain Sutherland that He had bore away. On Monday April the 30th at daylight found the Van and Center of the Squadron seperated at some distance from the Barfleur and Rear, owing to flattering Winds and Calms in the night which would not allow us to keep the Barfleur's head the right way, and she went round and round two or three times while the other Ships had Light Airs, And finding the Enemy advanced Ships steering for our Van, made all possible Sail towards them and threw out the Signal for a close Line of Battle, The Enemy's Line a good deal extended and Scattered; --At 7 The Squadron under my command being pretty well formed, the Enemy's advanced Ships hawled off; at 36 Minutes past 7 made the Sigl. for the Rear to close the Center, As the Enemy seemed to shew a disposition to attack it. At 35 Minutes past 8 having very Light Airs of Wind [[catchword]] the [[/catchword]]