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for [[underline]] 28 [[/underline]] Nights has not been in Bed nor ever pulled off his cloath excepting for putting on clean Linnin. Hawkins desires very much that during Our stay at Windsor in case any uneasiness should arise about the Children which God forbid, he might be wrote too to Kew, as it makes a difference of 24 hours, so far i think it reasonable, but only beg to aid that in case You shoud think it necessary too want a Physician for the three under Your care, that You will Yourself write for Turton and not leave it to Hawkins as he always is dilatory upon this subject. Let this remain amongst Ourselves and take no notice of it in Your answer to me. I beg my Love to all the dear Children, i am sorry that poor Elizabeth hath not yet quite got rid of those boils, i thought Sea Water would wash one quite clean of all bad acquaintances, How happy should i be to make dear Sophia a Visit in her Bathing machine