Copy of a letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to Rear-Adm. Francis S. Drake informing him that there are possibly four 'Sail of the Line' at Fort Royal and suggesting that he remain at St Lucia, reporting that he [Hood] is on his way to St John's Road and requesting Drake to send back various ships, if convenient.

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Barfleur off St. Kitts August 2d: 11PM 1784 Sir-- Captain Ford of the La Nymph has this moment joined me, and says there are four Sail of the Line at Fort Royal; in case you find the report he has made to be true (for he does no seem clear about it, as the Weather was very hazy) You will be pleased to remain at St. Lucia, notwithstanding my Orders of Yesterday by the Sybil, and regulate your Conduct, conformable to the Instructions you received from Admiral Sir George Rodney as it is impossible for me to give you others at present. I am now on my way to St. John’s Road where I shall wait till I hear from you and I am to beg you will send back the Sybil and La Nymph as also the Alcide and Belligueux if you think you can part with them, but I submit that to your Judgement, being satisfied you will do, what you think is for the best. I have the Honor to be Sir Your most Obedient Humble Servant Saml Hood (A Copy) Copy Saml Hood Rear Admiral Drake