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thers Sensibility of Feeling is so strong that I dread the consequences of this Stroke very much for him. it is also on this account that I have been obliged to deprive myself of the pleasure of breakfasting at Chelsea with lady Dartrey. And now do I give You joy upon Lord Winchilseas return, He appears to me quit Strong and well and says that He feels himself so. I had the pleasure of his Company last Night, and i quite rejoiced at his healthy appeance, may He long a very long live to Comfort You is the Sincere wish of my Heart. Miss Penn gave me a more Comfortable account of lady Juliana,I would have sent to inquire after Her but I thought that such frequent inquiries might be troublesome notwithstanding [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] they are [[/addition]] well meant. To Morrow is fixed for the removal of the Family