Letter from Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood to General Jacob de Budé reporting that Lord Cornwallis had been forced to capitulate to superior French and American forces and his opinion that this could have been avoided, and announcing that he hoped to return as soon as possible to the West Indies 'for the protection of our Royal masters possessions'.

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during the winter months, except Long Island sound, and I do not apprehend they can be of any use there. I shall suggest the Idea to him and trust he will forgive my doing it. My one motive is the good of the King's service which I have ever had, and even shall have greatly at heart; The French no doubt will return in force to the West Indies, in all haste, and I shall endeavor to be there before them I have just been told a ship is about to be matched to England, and having orders to send away immediately to announce my soon going the West India Islands; can only add that I am my dear General your most faithfull and obedient humble servant Saml Hood