Copy of a memorandum from Adm. Sir George Rodney to Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood, outlining sailing orders for the various divisions of the British fleet.

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Sir Samuel Hood with his Division, to Cruize from fifteen to twenty Leagues to Windward off the North end of Martinique, stretching as far North as the Lattitude of Dominique. The Centre Division from fifteen to twenty Leagues to Windward of the Body of the Island of Martinique, stretching as far North as the Lattitude of the North end thereof. Admiral Drake with his Division from fifteen to twenty Leagues to Windward of Point Salines, stretching as far to the Northward as the Lattitude, of the Body of the Island of Martinique. The Squadrons are to keep under such moderate Sail as may be just sufficient to keep their respective Stations. Our Line of Battle Ship of the Centre Division is to be constantly Stationed, medway between it & the Van Division: And a Line of Battle Ship of the Rear Division is to be constantly Stationed between it and [[catchword]] the [[/catchword]]

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