Copies of correspondence between Rear-Adm. Sir Samuel Hood and Adm. Sir George Rodney regarding the movements of the British fleet against the French, and including Rodney's acknowledgement of Hood's congratulations [on the British victory].

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know not, where he is, you will in my humble opinion be perfectly right, to push for the Enemy’s [[underline]] appointed Rendezvous, [[/underline]] but while you can keep him in sight, or know that he is [[underline]] not [[/underline]] gone to Leeward, I think you can on no account quit him; and will I imagine keep your fleet, as much [[underline]] collected [[/underline]] as possible, and avail yourself of every opportunity of getting to [[underline]] windward [[/underline]] The Ships the Enemy’s fleet had under convoy, anchored at St. Piers Guadaloupe, with some frigates, which should be closely watched — When you are informed of the state of the Alfred you may [[underline]] probably [[/underline]] think it expedient, to send her to Jamaica but if her masts, can be secured, those ships which did not engage yesterday, will be able to supply her with powder & shott. I did not suffer a gun to be fired from Barfleur, for near 20 minutes after the Alfred began, and I think Capt. Bayne was exceedingly reprehensible, for presuming to fire, before the signal for Battle was hoisted on board the Admiral of his Division, and when he was the Leeward most ship of it, and at the greatest distance from the Enemy Your very handsome approbation of my conduct is truly flattering to me, and which I shall upon all occasions be studious to merit being with great respect &c &c &c Saml Hood Sir George Bridges Rodney Barf. [[unclear]] 13th. &c &c &c Formidable Wednesday night April 10th. 1782 my dear Sir Many thanks for your kind advice, you may perceive my opinion coincided with yours, but our Endeavours to day, I have ordered Mr Drake to lead with a plain sail tonight, but I plainly perceive that De Grasse, is unwilling to decide the affair in these Seas. I am sorry for Bayne, but own i must much hurt, at seeing him fire at such a distance; poor fellow he is gone, and as I promised Capt Symons, the first ship that became vacant he must have the Alfred, & Lord Cranstonn the Formidable Bourchier you may be sure will soon be post, but Vashon must be before him, as I promised in England. It gives me [[catchword]] real [[/catchword]]

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