Copy of a [translated?] letter from 'M.P.F.' to his uncle at Monsieur P. Gauvel & Son [?], merchants, reporting an action between the British and French Fleets on 9 April.

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14th. and 15th the English Fleet were distinctly seen from Guadaloupe to be but 39 in number, Tho they were once 50 including Frigates - which makes us believe they have likewise lost some - their Maneuvres makes us hope that they have been roughly handled since they did not pursue us - we have therefore reason to hope that our Expedition will not yet fail; - we have 16 Spanish ships at St Domingo - with 8000 Men, and we think it is intending for Jamaica - I am well, and have only time to assure you that I am during life with all Possible respect - Your very humble [[addition]] & obedient [[/addition]] Servant & Nephew - M P. F -

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