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K./ [[underline]] Pss. Elizabeth [[/underline]] after Rifle Attack on [[underline]] the King [[/underline]] {1795 Nov 6th {which she [[underline]] saw [[/underline]] from Windsor. [[underline]] Queen's House [[/underline]] I never could let the day pass after receiving so kind so Affectionate so dear a letter from my ever dear Lady Charlotte without answering it immediately, good God what we have gone through since last Thursday. I was the unhappy & wretched witness to great part of all the horrors of that day. On the Wednesday evening we were alarmed with news of the bread [[unclear]] to be raised on the Thursday, which was not pleasant, but no thought ever entered our heads, of the horrors of the following day, when the dear King went to the house the noise was so violent that I took it for great [[deletion]] aprobation [[/deletion]] joy which quite delighted me [[foreign:French]] helas [[/foreign]] how soon was my joy, turned into mourning for when the Coach turned round the corner of the end of the Mall near this house the hooting, screams, & horrid sayings which reached my ears, being at the open window, it scared me in a manner which no words can express. Mama the moment the K. left her sent for us, She supported herself as She always does, with great fortitude

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