Letter from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to General Jacob de Budé: near duplicate of 0724, but with small additions to the postscript re Prince William's education.

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Barfleur Staten Island New York Novr. 10th. 1782 [[underline]] Duplicate [[/underline]] my dear General On the 3d instant I had the honor to receive Prince William on board the Barfleur, Rear Admiral Dirby came with him and tarried till next evening, and I had the pleasure of Mr. Majendie’s company some days, which was what I much wished, that he might assist in settling His Royal Highness in His new habitation properly I herewith send you the copy of a letter I have received from Admiral Digby, it contains the [[underline]] whole of [[/underline]] instruction to me respecting my Royal Charge, which is not so full and explicit in many points, as I could have wished it. Prince William is now of an age, that demands a very different line of conduct towards His Royal Highness to that, was judged necessary and right, at His first embarking, but I have not a syllable of information, or instruction to guide me in it. I am totally ignorant with respect to Prince William’s expences, which I think of much consequence I should know something of, as His Royal Highness [[catchword]] is [[/catchword]]