Letter from Rear-Adm. Lord Hood to General Jacob de Budé enclosing various papers [possibly 0737-0745] to show the measures taken to intercept the enemy, reporting that Prince William is in good health and taking baths to improve his shoulder and arm following an accident, and expressing delight at the British victory over a combined enemy fleet [the Battle of Cape Spartel?].

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a very pleasing account of himself I have desired His Royal Highness will not attempt to go aloft; it is indeed quite unnecessary and in order to give strength to his arm, and shoulder, He baths two mornings out of three, though He feels no ill effects from the Accident, but I think cold bathing must be of service, and it can do no harm at least, unless practiced to excess. We have been informed by a Spanish Cartel from Cowes, which carried the Providence Garrison to England, That the Kings fleet, under the Command of Lord Viscount Howe, has defeated the combined one, without the Straits mouth, and taken and destroyed Twelve Capital ships; Joy much joy to you on this glorious occasion, it is [[catchword]] the [[/catchword]]