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to come on bord us as he was under Quarantine orders, however [[underline]] Admiral Lindey [[/underline]] could not withstand coming a long side of us after [[underline]] three years & a half [[/underline]] being absent from home the first thing his Fleet saw [[deletion]] was [[/deletion]] as well as himself was [[underline]] the King [[/underline]] I should think no joy could come up to it & indeed the Huzza's proved it as we passed [[addition]] by [[/addition]] the Ships the number of Merchantmen I believe amounted to about [[underline]] 58 Sail [[/underline]] & I must say any thing so beautiful I never saw before in the Morning only very early the West Inde Fleet came in therefore we are very happy & have every reason to return thanks for the safe arrival of them both After the Ships had Saluted again we took leave of them with an intention of going home as soon as we could, but the wind now began

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