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[[underline]] Pss [[/underline]] my [[unclear]] [[underline]] seems [[/underline]] so large; [[underline]] Lord M E [[/underline]] gave delightful account of his whole [[underline]] Tour [[/underline]] that he has made this Summer He took his [[underline]] two Daughters [[/underline]] with him & to hear these [[underline]] little Girls [[/underline]] give an account of all they have seen is the prettiest thing possible. [[underline]] Lady Downshire's Children [[/underline]] are fine children, but not at all pretty , she has a little Mary not quite six that danced away at a great rate & is an amusing little talking thing. [[underline]] Lord Downshire [[/underline]] I did not think handsome but in general he was thought so, but [[underline]] Lord Arthur [[addition] Hill [[/addition]] [[/underline]] his Brother is a [[underline]] love [[/underline]], [[underline]] Lord Sidney's [[/underline]] two Daughters are the most [[underline]] frightful [[/underline]] [[unclear]] Girls I ever saw enjoying every thing so much, that they had not a remark to [[underline]] make [[/underline]] [[underline]] Lady Sidney [[/underline]] came with them looking quite beautiful - On Thursday we

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