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[[note]] Charle. [[/note]] Kinden Halberstadt, Verden, Bremen, Munster, & [[deletion]] the [[/deletion]] for the Bishop of Hilderheim [[deletion]] Habitation [[/deletion]] [[addition]] residence [[/addition]] the [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] named Elze situated between Hannover & Einbeck partly for its beauty [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] as also being a place conveniently situated for Commerce standing upon a small river [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] which [[deletion]] empties [[/deletion]] [[addition]] falls [[/addition]] [[deletion]] itself [[/deletion]] into the river Seine. Mayence & Cologne were founded before [[underline]] by Constantin. [[/underline]] [[note]] Charle.. [[/note]] He made war against the Bohemians, [[note]] Kyl: [[/note]] & obtained a yearly tribute [[note]] kys [[/note]] from them partly in money, & partly in kind, which made Him look upon that Country as Conquered [[underline]] but [[/underline]] found difficulty to [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] make good [[/addition]] His conquest. His last attack was against they Northern people who became very troublesome both by sea & by land & unforeseen change in the succession of those Kingdoms brought it soon to [[deletion]] a [[/deletion]] peace. The River Eider between Holstein & Schleswig was fixt upon as the [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[addition]] boundary [[/addition]] between their differing professions.

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