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[[deletion]] [[note]] p.l.d. oi u.e p.l.f oi U o p. [[unclear]] k. oi. [[unclear]] ei p.p.b. oi.oi.a p.p.f oi oi o [[/note]] [[/deletion]] Pipin [[underline]] pud: [[/underline]] Ravenna [[unclear]] of Rome. [[underline]] Pipinpuf.: [[/underline]] Crownd. at. St Denis by Pope Stephen [[underline]] the 2nd [[/underline]] [[underline]] Pipinpark. [[/underline]] Died. [[underline]] [[unclear]] Dec. reignd alone. [[/underline]] [[underline]] Charlespoif [[/underline]] submitted the Kingdom of Lombardy, by the Battle between Pavia & Verona, & took [[deletion]] their [[/deletion]] King Didie prisoner. He also conquered the Saxon in about 33 years with the assistance of the [[underline]] Obotrites [[/underline]] now Mecklenbourg & [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] founded, Dresden & Hambourg, antiently calld Hockbucki, as places of Defence the latter on the upper Elbe the former on the lower Elbe, He also conquered [[deletion]] Bavaria [[/deletion]] [[deletion]] & the Huns [[/deletion]] Tassilo Duke of Bavaria & His allies the Huns. [[note]] R. zz. ci. gg. kyz [[/note]] [[note]] Charle [[underline]] kyz. [[/underline]] [[/note]] Crownd Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo the third, the 25th of Decbr. being Xt. Day. but this

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