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of our perfections, so is he the only fit Rewarder of them. This is a consideration that comes home to our interest, as the other adapts itself to our ambition. And what could the most aspiring, or the most selfish man desire more, were he to form the notion of a Being to whom he would recommend himself, than such a knowledge as can discover the least appearance of perfection in him, and such a goodness as will proportion a reward to it? Let the ambitious man therefore turn all his desire of Fame this way; and, that he may propose to himself a Fame worthy of his ambition, let him consider that if he employs his abilities to the best advantage, the time will come when the Supreme Governor of the world, the great Judge of mankind, who sees every degree of perfection in others, and possesses all possible perfection in himself, shall proclaim his worth before men and angels, and pronounce to him in the presence of the whole creation-- that, best and most significant of applauses, ,, Well done, thou good ,, ,, and faithful Servant, enter thou into thy Masters joy ,, .