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gain reputation in the esteem of vulgar minds, and raise themselves above persons of much more laudable characters. If the talent of Ridicule were employed to laugh men out of vice and folly, it might be of some use to the world; but instead of this, we find that it is generally made use of to laugh men out of virtue and good sense, by attacking every thing that is solemn and serious, decent and praise-worthy in human life. We may observe, that in the first ages of the world, when the great Souls and master-pieces of human nature were produced, men shined by a noble simplicity of behaviour, and were strangers to those little embellishments which are so fashionable in our present conversation. And it is very remarkable, that notwithstanding we fall short at present of the ancients in poetry, painting, oratory, history, architecture, and all the noble arts and sciences which depend more upon genius than experience, we exceed them as much in doggerel, humour, burlesque, and all the trivial arts of Ridicule. We meet with more rallery among the moderns, but more good sense among the ancients. [[note]] No: 255. [[/note]] A solid and substantial greatness of Soul looks down with a generous neglect on the censures and applauses of the multitude, and places a man beyond