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juices of the body are prepared to receive a malignant influence, there the disease rages with most violence; so in this distemper of the mind, where there is every a propensity and inclination to suck in the poision, it cannot be but that the whole order of reasonable action must be overturned, for, like Music, it So softens and disarms the mind, That not one arrow can resistance find. First we flatter ourselves, and then the Flattery of others is sure of success. It awakens our Self-love within, a party which is ever ready to revolt from our better judgment, and join the enemy without. Hence it is, that the profusion of favours we so often see poured upon the parasite, are represented to us, by our Self-love, as justice done to the man, who so agreeably reconciles us to ourselves. When we are overcome by such soft insinuations and ensnaring compliances, we gladly recompence the artifices that are made us of to blind our reason, and which triumph over the weaknesses of our temper and inclinations. But were every man persuaded from how mean and low a principle this passion is derived, there can be no doubt but the person who should attempt to gratify it, would then be as contemptible as he is now successful. It is the desire of some quality we are not possessed of, or inclination to be something we are not, which are the