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and even that little we discern imperfectly; or according to the elegant figure in holy Writ, (We see but in part, and as in a glass darkly). It is to be considered, that Providence in its occonomy regards the whole system of time, and things together, so that we cannot discover the beautiful connexion between incidents which lie widely separate in time, and by losing so many links of the chain, our reasonings become broken and imperfect. Thus those parts of the moral world which have not an absolute, may yet have a relative beauty, in respect of some other parts concealed from us, but open to his eye before whom past, present, and to come, are set together in one point of view: and those events, the permission of which seems now to accuse his goodness, may in the consummation of things both magnify his goodness, and exalt his wisdom. And this is enough to check our presumptions, since it is in vain to apply our measures of regularity to matters of which we know neither the antecedents nor the consequents, the beginning nor the end. [[note]] No: 238. [[/note]] Among all the diseases of the mind, there is not one more epidemical or more pernicious than the love of Flattery. For as where the