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of the divine Wisdom in the government of the world, and a discovery of the secret and amazing steps of providence, from the beginning to the end of time. Nothing seems to be an entertainment more adapted to the nature of man, if we consider that Curiosity is one of the strongest and most lasting appetites implanted in us, and that Admiration is one of our most pleasing passions; and what a perpetual succession of enjoyments will be afforded to both these, in a scene so large and various as shall then be laid open to our view in the society of superior Spirits, who perhaps will join with us in so delightful a prospect! It is not impossible, on the contrary, that part of the punishment of such as are excluded from bliss, may consist not only in their being denied this privilege, but in having their appetites at the same time vastly increased, without any satisfaction afforded to them. In these, the vain pursuit of knowledge shall, perhaps, add to their infelicity, and bewilder them into labyrinths of error, darkness, distraction and uncertainty of every thing but their own evil state. In our present condition, which is a middle state, our minds are, as it were, chequered with truth and falsehood; and as our faculties are narrow, and our views imperfect, it is impossible but our Curiosity must meet with many