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the duties which belong to them. If the reader would see the discription of a life that is passed away in vanity and among the shadows of pomp and greatness, he may see it very finely drawn in the little apocryphal book, entitled the Wisdom of Solomon. In the mean time, since it is necessary in the present constitution of things, that order and distinction should be kept in the world, we should be happy, if those who enjoy the upper station in it, would endeavour to surpass others in virtue, as much as in rank, and by their humanity and condescension make their superiority easy and acceptable to those who are beneath them; and if, on the contrary, those who are in meaner posts of life, would consider how they may better their condition hereafter, and by a just deference and submission to their superiors, make them happy in those blessing with which Providence has thought fit to distinguish them. [[note]] No: 224. [[/note]] If we look abroad upon that great multitude of mankind, and endeavour to trace out the principles of action in every individual, it will, I think, seem highly probable that Ambition runs through