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the state he is entering on; and therefore titles at such a time look rather like insults and mockery than respect. The truth of it is, Honours are in this world under no regulation; true Quality is neglected, virtue is oppressed, and vice triumphant. The last day will rectify this disorder, and assign to every one a station suitable to the dignity of his character; ranks will be then adjusted, and precedency set right. Methink we should have an ambition, if not to advance our selves in another world, at least to preserve our post in it, and outshine our inferiors in virtue here, that they may not be put above us in a state which is to settle the distinction for eternity. Men in Scripture are called (strangers and sojourners upon earth) (and life a pilgrimage) Several heathen as well as Christian Authors, under the same kind of metaphor, have represented the World as an Inn, which was only designed to furnish us with accommodations in this our passage. If this therefore very absurd to think of settling up our rest before we come to our journeys end, and not rather to take care of the reception we shall there meet, than to fix our thoughts on the little conveniences and