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presence, regards himself as acting, in the whole course of his existence, under the observation and inspection of that Being, who is privy to all his motions and all his thoughts, who knows his ,, down-sitting and his up-rising, who is -- ,, about his path, and about his bed, and spieth out all his ways. ,, In a word he remembers that the eye of his Judge, is always upon him, and in every action he reflects that he is doing what is commanded or allowed by him who will hereafter either reward or punish it, This was the character of those wholy men of old, who in that beautiful phrase of Scripture are said to have ,, walked with God. [[note]] No: 214. [[/note]] There are but two ways of doing any thing with great people, and those are by making yourself either considerable or agreeable: The former is not to be attained but by finding a way to live without them, or concealing that you want them; the latter is only by falling into their taste and pleasures: This is of all the employments in the world the most servile, except it happens to be of your own natural humour. For to be agreeable to another, especially if he be above You, is not to be possessed of such qualities and accomplishments as should render you agreeable in respect to him. An imitation of his faults, or a compliance,